This property was reserved by Xiaofenghan on 13th Jan 1999 I'm 25 years old, from China. Mini CV:
- A happy childhood from the moment I was born.
A normal but memorable teens from the moment I knew to gossip wtih my girlfriends.
A shining four-year life in Southeast University Nanjing Zhejiang China. Please visit my university in China:One year getting to know the society in China Telecom Haikou.
One and a half year escaping from the real life to Heaven, Switzerland, majoring in Hotel management, which is the only major for foreigners in Heaven. From the life in heave, I know that heaven is not that perfect either. Please visit my school in Switzerland
One year back to the reality in USA, taking MBA program.
Now.... still alive and in MBA in California State University Sacramento...expect to graduate in the next century... Please visit my school in USA: